Friday, February 3, 2012

Week 26

This week has been crazy full of doctor visits, scares and reassurances all the same. Sunday we had our first little scare. I began having some pretty severe cramps mid-morning. We called the doctor's office (thanks to some persuasion from Jason-I was too scared to want to call) and she recommended to drink a lot of water and lay down on one side. If the pain didn't subside we were supposed to go into the hospital. Thankfully, within a few minutes of laying down the pains went away and have yet to come back.

Wednesday was my normally scheduled ultrasound. This one was a growth check as well. As much as I love ultrasounds and being able to see the little guys, the whole process has become completely uncomfortable and unbearable at times due to the pressure that's being put on my blood vessels having to lay down on my back for even 5 minutes. So, after a lot of breaks with me turning on my side she was able to get the measurements she needed.

Baby girl weighs 2lbs, 3oz and Baby boy weighs 1lb, 14oz. Both of those weights are within a pretty average range for 26 wks pregnant. (Maybe this will be the pregnancy that breaks the Barrett-Cobb/Taylor-Dean 9+ lb baby trends!)

Unfortunately during the ultrasound they noticed that my cervix was continuing to shorten. The doctors put me back on indocin, the medication I took previously to help with fluid levels and to stabilize my cervix. They also went on ahead and injected me with a series of 2 steroid shots to help with baby lung development should they come early. We also re-did the fetal fibronectin test which looks to see if I'm at risk for going into labor within the next 2-3 wks. Thankfully that test came back negative and a physical check of my cervix revealed that it is not even attempting to open up- 'hard as a rock' as my doctor put it.

My bed rest has been stepped up a little bit though. I am still on 'modified rest' so I can still get up quickly and shower, go to the bathroom, make meals, but instead of being able to sit and recline I must lay down and I'm not allowed to lollygag when standing. :) I've been scared enough this past week that I'm doing a good job of it. The coffee table has become my new work station with drinks, books, remotes, snacks, etc. Anything I could need throughout the day is piled up on it! :)

My goal is to make it another 10 weeks. 36wks has been my goal week since we found out we were pregnant with twins, so by power of prayer and positive thoughts I'm hoping to still make it to that date (April 12th!) :)


Anonymous said...

You all are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with all of us.

Brittany Speight said...

April 12 is my birthday - great day to be born!! Miss seeing you at church! Been praying for you, Jason & the babies! Brittany