Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week 28

We have arrived into the 3rd trimester!! It's very exciting and yet a little scary to realize that we have anywhere from 6weeks+ before these little guys arrive into the world. I have most things organized in my head...the only problem is that I can't get up to actually complete those plans! There's still plenty of time though and I'm planning on putting Mom to work when she comes to visit in a couple weeks! :)

As for the weekly update on the medical side of things: My appointment on Tuesday revealed very low amniotic fluid levels, which is a bi-product of the indocin I'd been taking. So we stopped the indocin which increased fluid levels, but that also means that my cervix may continue to shorten.

At the follow-up visit on Friday, measurements looked good. I was holding steady between 20-23mm. We also had a Biophysical Profile completed where they looked at the babies heart rates, muscle tone, movement, breathing and amniotic fluid levels. Both babies passed all areas so that was good.

Next week is another growth check so we'll see how big these guys are getting! They definitely continue to move all the time, but there's enough room for them to be doing somersaults. I keep waiting for them to run out of room, but it's not happening yet!

As promised, here is my 28 week picture. I'll also include the 24 week picture so you can see the difference in size. It was requested that I begin weekly pictures so I'll try and start getting a picture up weekly! :)

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