Thursday, February 9, 2012

Week 27

This past week came and went pretty quickly, and more importantly, uneventfully. My follow-up check at the dr revealed that my cervix remained at the 22mm mark. I am continuing the indocin until at least week 30 but not longer than week 32 as it can cause problems for the babies if I'm on it longer than that. My cervix is still funneling but it has been for weeks now so that wasn't of concern to my dr.

Blood sugars are looking good, as long as I don't go back for second helpings. :) I can now just fax weekly numbers in instead of having to drive to the office.

Babies are still looking good. Good heart rates and they're definitely moving. We had a couple quieter days, but they have picked up the pace the past 2 days. Jason was able to catch them moving last night and I think it freaked him out a little bit!

Bed rest is starting to make me a little stir-crazy, but I've been on it for almost 5 full weeks so it's definitely moving by. Another 9ish weeks is do-able! :) We have visitors coming in for the weekend so that will help pass time! The nursery is coming together. Jason finished the beadboard and the cribs and rocking chair are assembled. There's still a lot of organizing to do, but Lesley assures me it's one of her favorite things so maybe some of that will get done this weekend too! :)

This is the last week of the 2nd trimester so my posting next week will be the beginning of the home stretch!

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