Thursday, December 1, 2011

pardon the interruption

Jason here. I have to hijack the blog, because yesterday was the most fun I have ever had at a doctor's office.

It started typically enough: sitting in the waiting room, digging through the women's magazines to find the one, out-of-date Sports Illustrated, glancing around the room to figure out who's here for what. She's definitely pregnant. That guy looks as nervous as I was the first time I came here. She's old... annual or do you come back for menopause? Finally the ultrasound tech called our name and we got to go back.

Meg's belly gets all lubed up and she starts sliding across it. Wow they've grown! Last time we were here they were little peanut shaped blobs on the screen. Now they have faces and bones and fingers and...that one's bum is in the other's face! Poor kid.

She scanned around some more and we were able to see that one's a boy, and one's a girl! Wait, what's that one doing? The girl is kicking her brother in the face!

We watched the membrane separating them stretch and move like a balloon as Twin A (the girl) repeatedly kicked Twin B(the boy) right in the face for about 5 minutes. The tech measured their stomachs, heads, arm bones, leg bones, hearts -- everything looked great!

Finally, as our 30 minutes of visitation into their little world was ending, she zoomed out and our son was standing up for himself and kicking back. I can only imagine the looks on mine and Meg's faces as we watched in awe as our children swam around.

Our children both weigh about 7 oz. now, are close to identical in size, and had very similar, strong heartbeats. Everything looked great! We are so blessed!

1 comment:

Anna said...

LOVE IT! I have to admit I almost teared up a bit reading this...but then again, I do cry at everything.