Monday, December 5, 2011

Week 17

Jason updated you all on our dr visit. It was amazing and so much fun! The even more exciting part is that we get to go back in 3 weeks for our official anatomy ultrasound so we'll be able to see them again!

This week I've been busy looking and trying to find baby bedding. I decided to buy instead of sew just due to the fact that it would take a long time to make and it would end up being much more expensive. After a LOT of searching we decided on mix and match from Carters. (It's on order so we'll see if we like it once it's in, but it was definitely the cheapest option and looks to be the comfiest). I didn't get the complete custom feel from ordering, but it's customized enough to appease me with the mix/match idea. I'll include pictures of it later if we end up liking it.

Jason's been busy as well and has begun the huge task of cleaning out the garage... partly to just have it cleaned so he can begin working on some new woodworking ideas, but mostly to let us park in there again. :)

Anyway, November absolutely flew by and I know December will too! I'm posting week 17 info, but really we're almost to week 18! You'll notice that the 'average' size of baby at this week is 5.9oz and we're already just past 7oz so I'm thinking even with twins we'll still be having larger babies. We'll see if the growth trend continues or levels off. :)

Your Baby: Week 17

Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints.

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