Thursday, December 8, 2011

Week 18

Your Baby: Week 18

Your fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon.

So, if you're like me you wondered what the heck this week's fruit/veggie is: a sweet potato :)

Our little ones are definitely moving a lot more. It seems that our girl moves more after I eat, though our boy kicks up a storm at times too, particularly at night. We get to see them again in less than 2 weeks and get to bring home actual photos so we're excited. What an amazing Christmas present this will be!!

We are nearing, if not at, the half-way point for this pregnancy. (I know it's only week 18, but with twins we're looking at delivering around week 36). It's been a really quick, spectacular journey this far. Though when you consider for the first 4 weeks we didn't know we were pregnant and for the next 4 we didn't believe we were it does go by fast.

Pregnancy symptoms have died off a little. I'm still tired at night, but not exhausted like I was. Definitely eating a lot and still enjoying chicken nuggets and gravy (though typically not together). Peanut butter, anything dairy, OJ and fruit are favorites. I have to force down the veggies :( My memory is also kinda shot so if I forget something you've told me please forgive me and just tell me again :)

I'm starting to organize a lot of the big things in my head. Our biggest struggle right now is coming up with a name for our little girl. Our son (crazy to say that) is taken care of, we think, but we're pretty stuck on a name for our daughter. I'll 'officially' reveal both of the names once we get them figured out, though many of you already know the boy's name. I just feel bad using his name when we don't have one for her. Any suggestions for a girl name are happily considered!

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