Friday, January 20, 2012

Week 24

Ok, this is the last week at a papaya size (though I think our little ones have surpassed that already). It has been a very busy week with many ups and downs.

Due to the excess amniotic fluid seen a week or so ago, they decided to go on ahead and do my gestational diabetes screen early. I failed the 1-hr test by one point so I had to endure the 3-hr test on Wed. Absolutely one of the worst experiences of my life!

I started out with an initial blood draw after fasting overnight. Then I had to drink a gross orange sugary substance (if you are pregnant ask for the fruit punch option!!!). Blood was again drawn 1,2,3 hrs after drinking the drink. About 30 minutes after drinking the drink I became hot, sick to my stomach and my vision started blacking out. I stumbled my way to the nurse's desk and asked to lay down. I then stumbled my way to a room with recliners, certain I was going to faint on the way, but once I laid down the vision cleared up. I still felt sick, but at least everything had stopped spinning. Once the blood draws were over I ate a sandwich and came back for my weekly ultrasound.

The results came back yesterday (Thurs) and I had enough of a discrepancy in levels for them to diagnose me having gestational diabetes. I will meet with a specialist and nutritionist next Thurs to set up a diet plan and learn how to check my sugar levels. Thankfully, the diet should correct all of this, and it's only 10-12 weeks worth of diet modification. You don't realize how many carbs you eat in a day until you have to start watching them! :(

However, the ultrasound looked great. Babies fluid levels were normal and heartbeats were normal. My cervix length is holding steady, so I really can't be upset over anything! They are planning on giving me a steroid injection next week (I think) to help develop the babies lungs, just in case I should go into labor early.

My dr. gets a kick out of measuring me to see how big my belly is and at this visit I measured the size of a 31 week person having only 1 baby! So, even though everyone keeps saying I look small for having twins, I am really quite a few weeks bigger than if I was only having 1. :)

Here is the latest belly picture (week 24) as well as a collage of the pics taken so far...


LindseyG said...

You look amazing, absolutely beautiful!! So sorry to hear about the gestational diabetes. Sadly the orange is better than the lime! I had the steroid shots at 23 and 24, for good measure. In my opinion they work, as Lauryn has been doing awesome breathing on her own and was off all oxygen and support on day 6. Her lungs were strong and well developed at birth, 30 weeks. Are they having you donning for your cervix?
Praying for you, Jason and the babies daily. Stay strong, and remind yourself that you ARE strong and already a GREAT mommy! Trust in His plan, it makes things much easier :) -Lindsey

Anna said...

you look wonderful! I loved the collage!