Tuesday, January 10, 2012

bed rest.

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to give you a quick update on Meg and the twins. We went in for another ultrasound yesterday, and the babies are doing great - 65th and 55th percentile for weight when compared to singletons (I’ve learned a lot of new words!). They’ve both got giant Dean noggins. We had a minor concern over Christmas break, a “focus” on the ultrasound which has since gone away, but they’re looking great.

Unfortunately, Meg’s cervix has shortened, and even with her “taking it easy” this weekend (which is pretty much impossible for her!), continued to do so. Her doctor has placed her on bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy.

It’s not very strict at this point -- she can still shower and get ready in the morning, fix herself breakfast and lunch, etc., but they want her to stay off her feet and reclined as much as possible. She will go back to the doctor Thursday to do a fetal fibronectin test that will see if she’s at the risk of going into preterm labor. If that test comes back negative, then bed rest will fix the problem. If that test comes back positive, I’m not sure what is involved at that point. (Pray it’s negative!) She’s got appointments scheduled every week for 6 weeks to monitor things. She will be able to drive herself to them, but at this point will be the only time she gets out of the house.

A lot of you have already asked what you can do for us – at this point I don’t know. I wish I was the one going on bed rest – I’d be fantastic at it! I’d already picked up most of the household chores (and I’m very impressed that Meg has tolerated a not-as-clean house) so in that respect it’s just a little more work for me. I’m sure Meg will get pretty bored, so phone calls and visits are welcomed… just remember I warned you - I’m the one cleaning the house now!

We’ll keep you posted. As always, prayers are appreciated!

Love you all!

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