Thursday, January 26, 2012

Week 25

Your baby's the size of an eggplant!
During month six, the average fetus measures about 13.6 inches to 14.8 inches and weighs about 1.5 to 2.5 pounds.

Ok, so the website I get the sizes from changed up their format. This month, think of the babies as the size of eggplants, heads of lettuce, a cauliflower bunch or a rutabaga.

Milestones they will be hitting this month include:
  • She's enjoying her new sense of equilibrium -- she now knows which way is up and which is down.
  • She's growing more fat and more hair too!
  • Her eyes are forming, and his eyes will soon start to open.
  • And her eyelashes are now grown, too.
  • She's getting her immune system ready for life on the outside by soaking up your antibodies.
  • She's taking breaths, too. They're of amniotic fluid, not air, but it's still good practice.
  • She's practicing inhaling and exhaling with her rapidly developing lungs.
  • It's official: Baby's showing brain activity! And her brain will keep on getting more complex
  • She's starting to develop more fat, so her wrinkly skin will start to get smoother.
  • Her lungs are mature enough that she'd probably survive if she was born now. Wow!

My weekly appointment went well. Cervix measurements are holding steady and babies' heart rates are looking good. We have a growth check next week so I'll have an update on weights then!

I also visited with the specialist and nutritionist. The meal plan I am now on isn't too bad. It's a 2300 calorie plan so there's plenty of food. It's more about monitoring how much of each type of food I eat. So, carbs are spread out through the day and sugars are definitely limited, if not completely cut out. But I still get to have all the foods I normally eat and love, just more controlled (3 helpings of mac and cheese is no longer approved) :) I also learned how to check blood sugar levels and the prick is not bad at all. You really hardly feel it. As long as I manage sugar levels on the diet there's no need to take oral medications, but the specialist did warn that as the babies' placentas get bigger the diet modifications may not work so either additional changes to diet or oral meds may eventually be prescribed.

Bed rest is going well. I have moved into a reading/dvd watching stage and I am becoming a master at wasting time looking online. I would always be hit by things I wanted to look up online, but never had the time or a computer right at hand to do I do, so as things pop in my head I waste time looking them up!

Pregnancy symptoms felt lately include: reflux, difficulty breathing when I get to laughing really hard, and the muscles in my inner thighs kill lately (I think it's due to having to propel myself side to side when laying down and propel myself up to a sitting position without the use of my non-existent ab muscles!) Bending down is still hard and I definitely waddle when I walk. :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Week 24

Ok, this is the last week at a papaya size (though I think our little ones have surpassed that already). It has been a very busy week with many ups and downs.

Due to the excess amniotic fluid seen a week or so ago, they decided to go on ahead and do my gestational diabetes screen early. I failed the 1-hr test by one point so I had to endure the 3-hr test on Wed. Absolutely one of the worst experiences of my life!

I started out with an initial blood draw after fasting overnight. Then I had to drink a gross orange sugary substance (if you are pregnant ask for the fruit punch option!!!). Blood was again drawn 1,2,3 hrs after drinking the drink. About 30 minutes after drinking the drink I became hot, sick to my stomach and my vision started blacking out. I stumbled my way to the nurse's desk and asked to lay down. I then stumbled my way to a room with recliners, certain I was going to faint on the way, but once I laid down the vision cleared up. I still felt sick, but at least everything had stopped spinning. Once the blood draws were over I ate a sandwich and came back for my weekly ultrasound.

The results came back yesterday (Thurs) and I had enough of a discrepancy in levels for them to diagnose me having gestational diabetes. I will meet with a specialist and nutritionist next Thurs to set up a diet plan and learn how to check my sugar levels. Thankfully, the diet should correct all of this, and it's only 10-12 weeks worth of diet modification. You don't realize how many carbs you eat in a day until you have to start watching them! :(

However, the ultrasound looked great. Babies fluid levels were normal and heartbeats were normal. My cervix length is holding steady, so I really can't be upset over anything! They are planning on giving me a steroid injection next week (I think) to help develop the babies lungs, just in case I should go into labor early.

My dr. gets a kick out of measuring me to see how big my belly is and at this visit I measured the size of a 31 week person having only 1 baby! So, even though everyone keeps saying I look small for having twins, I am really quite a few weeks bigger than if I was only having 1. :)

Here is the latest belly picture (week 24) as well as a collage of the pics taken so far...

Friday, January 13, 2012

Week 23

We are at week 23, and I've made it halfway through my first week of bed rest. The bed rest side of things isn't too bad so far...I have friends stopping by every couple days which helps.

We've had quite a few dr appointments in the past few days, mostly to re-measure my cervix and a typical growth check on the babies. As I think Jason posted, the babies look great and are definitely growing. They are kicking like crazy lately and constantly moving. Our ultrasound techs have difficulty getting the pictures and measurements they need due to the babies moving. I can feel, and see, kicks through my clothes now and they are starting to respond when the dogs bark real loudly. We are still in the papaya size range, and I'll get a new belly picture up next week!

As for me, the doctors put me on indocin which is an anti-inflammatory drug. I was on it for about 36 hrs when we had a re-check. At that point my cervix had lengthened 2 mm and the excess amniotic fluid seen had decreased to a normal level. I am now off of the indocin but will hang on to it and may be put back on it later if symptoms continue. We're basically in the middle of a balancing act, making sure the babies don't press too hard on my cervix and yet still have what they need to grow. The ultrasound tech, who I've had about 4 times now, advised me to pack a little bag with a change of clothes, toothbrush, etc just in case. She said that from her experience, particularly with multiples things can change and you can be admitted without warning. So here's hoping that doesn't happen anytime soon!

Thank you for all of your prayers so far, and just keep praying that these little guys remain comfortable and happy inside for about 12 more weeks!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

10 things I'm thankful for

I'm so thankful to have faith in God through times like this. I don't know how you can go through life without the hope that comes in Jesus.

I can honestly say that since we've gotten the orders for Meg to go on bed rest, we haven't worried at all. We knew everything was going to work out, and that the babies are doing well, and that's all that's important. Sure, the wheels began turning, and we started crunching numbers and scheming ways to make it all work, but it was never a time of worry.

We almost immediately started counting our blessings. That's not us talking -- that's God! So without further ado, here's what I'm so thankful for:

1. Our families that would do anything in their power to help us at this time.
2. These are our first kids and we don't have to arrange for childcare while Meg takes it easy.
2. Friends who immediately ask, "What can we do?"
3. Friends and family who are coming to visit, bring food, and entertain Meg.
4. A steady job with great insurance.
5. Sweet dogs that are able to "hold it" much longer than they've ever had to in the past.
6. All the free baby stuff. The nursery's full!
7. Meg's patience in all of this. Sure she'll get cabin fever, but her attitude's been amazing!
8. Community group members who say, "The house looks clean!" when they come over, even if they're stretching the truth.
9. Your prayers.
10. And lastly, believe it or not, this has turned me from an "I can do it later" person to a "What needs to be done?" person. For those of you who know me well -- that's a miracle in itself!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

bed rest.

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to give you a quick update on Meg and the twins. We went in for another ultrasound yesterday, and the babies are doing great - 65th and 55th percentile for weight when compared to singletons (I’ve learned a lot of new words!). They’ve both got giant Dean noggins. We had a minor concern over Christmas break, a “focus” on the ultrasound which has since gone away, but they’re looking great.

Unfortunately, Meg’s cervix has shortened, and even with her “taking it easy” this weekend (which is pretty much impossible for her!), continued to do so. Her doctor has placed her on bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy.

It’s not very strict at this point -- she can still shower and get ready in the morning, fix herself breakfast and lunch, etc., but they want her to stay off her feet and reclined as much as possible. She will go back to the doctor Thursday to do a fetal fibronectin test that will see if she’s at the risk of going into preterm labor. If that test comes back negative, then bed rest will fix the problem. If that test comes back positive, I’m not sure what is involved at that point. (Pray it’s negative!) She’s got appointments scheduled every week for 6 weeks to monitor things. She will be able to drive herself to them, but at this point will be the only time she gets out of the house.

A lot of you have already asked what you can do for us – at this point I don’t know. I wish I was the one going on bed rest – I’d be fantastic at it! I’d already picked up most of the household chores (and I’m very impressed that Meg has tolerated a not-as-clean house) so in that respect it’s just a little more work for me. I’m sure Meg will get pretty bored, so phone calls and visits are welcomed… just remember I warned you - I’m the one cleaning the house now!

We’ll keep you posted. As always, prayers are appreciated!

Love you all!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Week 22

Your Baby: Month 5

Watch what you say -- baby is now able to hear outside noise from down in the womb. Studies show that baby finds gentle music and your own voice most soothing. Nipples are starting to sprout, and that little face is fully formed. And, baby's starting to settle into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when -- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop.

Our babies are now the size of papayas. This past week I have been able to feel them kicking from the outside. It's exciting to feel though it's not real consistent yet so it's hard to share with others. Jason has been able to feel it a couple times though.

I'm feeling pretty good. I still get tired and winded easily and I'm still having reflux, but it's not too terrible. I think the nursery is next on Jason's 'to do' list so hopefully we'll get some 'in progress' pictures up soon! I'm learning to take it easy and let Jason take over more of the household duties, though having to sit still more is really hard for me to do. It's definitely worth it though to keep these little guys safe and healthy.

We have another growth ultrasound on Monday so we'll be able to see just how big these guys are getting! At my last appt (on Tuesday) I was measuring at a 28 wk size so though most people comment on how small I am for having twins I really am bigger than the average 22 week person. :)