I definitely feel HUGE this week! I swear I've grown a lot since that last picture was taken, and I know there's plenty of growing left to do. I'm to that point where no one has to question whether I'm pregnant or not...even with a winter coat on. Most days I feel great, today I felt squished...breathing was harder, bending over felt nearly impossible, and there was definitely some stretching going on.
I've been busy the past few days creating baby registries, and tomorrow I will embark on washing/organizing all of the baby clothes we've received. Hopefully soon we'll start on creating the nursery. Jason has quite a few projects going so it'll be some time before we get any pictures of that up!
Here are the links to the registries....they are a work in progress and will still be changed and added to, but it's a good start.
Target- http://www.target.com/RegistryGiftGiverCmd?isPreview=false&status=completePageLink&listId=tF-3XNw_TJoixwSxkM7viA®istryType=BB&isAjax=false
Babies R Us- http://www.toysrus.com/registry/search/index.jsp?_flowExecutionKey=_c6130C4D0-349F-CF74-D90E-7B8720F9FAC3_kDC551E33-0754-0A45-A64E-BC92804B6EE7&overrideStore=TRUS
And here's the weekly update on the babies' size: