Tuesday, November 1, 2011

week 12

Hey everyone! We are finally at week 12!! (one more week and we'll be out of the first trimester!) Been a busy week between Jason and my birthdays, a visit from Mom and Dad, and another dr. visit.
The dr. visit went really well. I'm measuring as big as a 16 wk pregnant person, which is very typical since I'm carrying 2. Both babies have strong heartbeats- 'lefty' was around 160bpm and 'righty' was around 155bpm. I asked the nurse and she said the last ultrasound showed 'di-di' something... I don't know the technical names, but they both have individual sacs and individual placentas which mean they are more than likely fraternal.
I'm feeling good- starting to not fit into my normal clothes anymore so I'm very thankful that I've been loaned pregnancy items (Thanks Lesley!). I'm down to 2 pairs of jeans that were a couple sizes too big initially as the only things that still button. :)
I'm going to try to include a couple pictures...one from about 4 weeks ago and another from this week where you might see a bit of a bump :)

And finally, here's the update on the twins' size for what's left of this week!

Your Baby: Week 12

As you move into the second trimester, baby shifts into the growth and maturation stage. After weeks in the critical development stage, almost all of baby's systems are fully formed.

1 comment:

Anna said...

megan you look beautiful!