Sunday, February 24, 2008

less than 4 months and counting

megan sent me an e-mail at work on thursday that said "4 months!!!" that sounds so close, and my heart skipped a beat, but it can't get here soon enough. i'm so excited to see what the next few months has in store for us.

after trying on my ring a few times i realized i knew nothing about rings when we bought it, and it probably wasn't a good thing that it took me 5 minutes and a lot of pain to get it off. that might be the way megan wanted it to be, but we took it back to shane co. to get it stretched out a little. a ring looks so weird on my finger, but i'm looking forward to getting used to it. in addition to taking the ring in to be re-sized, we also went to 2 stores to look at tuxes. we've pretty much picked it out. now it's just a matter of getting measured and coaxing justin and eric into getting fitted for theirs. mine will look the same, just with a white vest and a white tie. i'm hoping that the weather is going to make wearing a tux tolerable for about 45 minutes. maybe we're crazy.
megan and i have been attending a baptist church in the area that we really like. we're in a "nearly/newly wed" class that is a good fit for us. it's taught by a christian counselor and his wife, and will serve as a great starting point for building a strong foundation for our marriage. it's good for both of us to be attending church on a regular basis again, and building relationships with others who are in the same boat as us.

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