Thursday, February 14, 2008

Snow Days and Rings

So we had a snowday yesterday... I think this one was warranted as we did get ice and snow! (Granted, being from Iowa, no snow day here would ever be considered up there, but I will take my 1/2 inch of snow- snowdays!!) Being that we didn't have school, I decided it would be a great day to get some errands done and Jason was a great sport about me dragging him around!

After registering at yet another store we decided to go look at wedding bands for Jason. I hadn't intended on buying a ring yesterday, but he found one he liked and the saleslady mentioned that this exact ring may not be there for too much longer so I went on ahead and bought it. I think it's a very good choice, white gold with a little detailing and Jason has asked if he can keep it until the wedding and wear it around from time to time so he can get used to how it feels on his finger. :)

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