Monday, March 3, 2008

Smokey stoves and Crispy ovens

Well... this post isn't so much about the wedding except possibly as a glimpse into the future. On Saturday, I decided that I was going to hurry and prepare a pork roast to put in the crock-pot before heading out to a couples massage with Jason. The part about me hurrying was my first problem....the recipe called for me to heat the roast in hot oil before transferring it into the crock-pot, oh and I also had to trim the fat off of the roast. So I am thinking that pork has about as much fat on it as beef (it doesn't, it has much, much more) so I put oil into the pan and turn the burner up quite high. As I'm busy trimming up the roast I start feeling really hot; I finally turn around and notice that not only has the entire apartment filled with heavy smoke, the little tray under the burner is on fire! :) The fire went out as soon as it was exposed to air, the smoke however, lingered. Thankfully it was a beautiful weekend so I was able to open up the doors and windows, and I am able to say that the smoke (and smell) is out of the apartment. Based on this episode Jason nicknamed me 'Smokey'.

You would think this story is over and I would have to live the rest of my life with that nickname, but not so.... after returning from the massage, Jason and I decided to get Papa Murphy's take-and-bake pizza. He heated up the oven (at his apartment this time) and we waited for it to pre-heat. We weren't really paying attention to the time so the oven was probably pre-heating for about 20 minutes before we both started smelling a horrible burning smell. I got to the oven first and opened it to find the biscuits Jason had made (and left in the oven) earlier that day still in the pan burnt to a crisp and probably just a few minutes away from igniting. So his nickname is now 'crisp' and he's a little upset that his moment of glory for embarrassing me lasted all of 3 hours.

Needless to say, I am banned from cooking on the stove for awhile, and the oven is off limits to him! Thankfully we were able to laugh about the whole thing, and more importantly we didn't destroy an apartment! :) Cooking classes here we come!

Oh, and on a wedding note... our invitations are back from the printer!!! I haven't seen them yet, but I'm excited to pick them up! :)


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