Sunday, March 4, 2012

Week 30

Hurray! We have made it to 30 weeks! This was one of my initial goal weeks. My next goal is 34 weeks.

Here is an updated belly pic showing weeks 28 & 30. (I can never figure out which way I'm supposed to hold my arms so I'm sorry for kinda hiding my belly in the most recent pic!)
This week has passed pretty quickly. It's definitely getting harder to get up from a seated position and turning from side to side is a bit of an event (especially when I'm tired!). I think I am starting to hit the bathroom more frequently, and I have days where all I do is eat! :) Still battling reflux and I'm definitely hot all the time which makes me feel even sicker. I am so glad that I am able to experience this pregnancy during the winter... I feel for all of you who went through summer pregnancies!!!

Mom is in town for my baby shower and it has been wonderful having her here! My house hasn't looked this clean and organized since we moved in! :) Now the task is keeping it this way...
The nursery is getting finished; we have the decorating left to do, but the room is arranged and the bedding is put on the cribs. I will post before/after shots once it's all done as well as hopefully post some pics from the shower.

I go back to the doctor mid-week for a check-up to look at cervix length, amniotic fluids and heart rates. I'll have another growth ultrasound in 3ish weeks.

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