Friday, March 16, 2012

Week 32

So we have made it to 32 weeks! To say that these past couple weeks have been intense and have passed slowly is an understatement, BUT I am still at home and we're making it day by day.

It's been so very nice being home. You don't realize how much you don't like the hospital until you're in it. I kinda thought it would be very similar to being at home- laying down, watching tv, wasting time online, but it was very different. I'm sure I could have made it more like home if I had to stay longer, but hopefully the next visit will be to have these little ones!

I had a follow up appointment this week (and I'll have another one on Monday). They measured the babies and they are weighing 4.3 and 4.1 (Brooke being bigger than Barrett). My doctor was very happy with their weights (there must be something about being over the 4lb mark that's better if you should deliver early). And I am holding steady. My doctor did not feel a lot of pressure on my cervix and thought that the babies might be laying a little higher than previously seen (all due to the Procardia which I take 4 times a day). My belly size is measuring 38 weeks so I'm still growing! They are still ok with me driving myself in and as long as the ultrasounds aren't running behind they do a good job getting me in and out.

I am definitely feeling some of those late pregnancy symptoms: reflux, difficulty sleeping, waking up multiple times at night, and the babies are burrowing and kicking my ribs like crazy! As Jason said though, it's better that they're pushing on my ribs than my cervix! They are moving a lot, and I guess still have some room to turn around, or at least Barrett does. Evidently he's just pushing Brooke out of the way and claiming as much space for himself as he can.

I think we're going to try and do some maternity pics this weekend. Jason will just take some basic shots- nothing fancy, but that way I can have them. I wasn't sure if I wanted to do them or not and then I realized that this may be our only pregnancy so I think it would be a good idea. I will for sure get another belly pic taken and posted soon!

I guess it's also time to officially pack a hospital bag so that'll get done this weekend too. I didn't want to jinx myself and pack one and then have to go to the hospital like the next day, but since I've already been there once and for sure will be again in the next few weeks it's probably necessary! :)

1 comment:

Dani Howard said...

I am so happy for you two. I have kept up with you through the blog and your mom and dad at church. It's fun being pregnant at the same time as a friend with twins. I have been so blessed to have a pregnancy with few complications. I don't think I could handle the amount of time that you have had on bed rest. You have been such a trouper. It will all be worth it when you finally get to hold them in your arms. I am getting excited to meet my little man as well as I'm sure you are. Best of luck and keep on blogging. I look forward to your photos!