Saturday, September 10, 2011

Week 5

So I just wrote the week 4 post and not a lot has changed in how I feel. Still a little crampy from time to time and bloated feeling. No nausea or sickness yet, but I'm finding that I don't like really concentrated smells.

I'm having bloodwork done rather regularly to make sure my HCG levels are continuing to increase. The first results came back good; my progesterone was nice and high too which was a relief. The next test is Monday so hopefully I'm still increasing.

I've decided to take up walking as some form of exercise. The dogs enjoy it at least and this fall weather is great! :)

Our little one is anywhere from a sesame seed in size to an apple seed. Here's the info on this week's development:

Baby's now the size of an appleseed!
Your embryo, which doesn't look like much more than a tadpole right now, is actually starting to form major organs (heart, kidney, liver, stomach) and systems (nervous, circulatory, digestive). Baby's presence in your uterus triggers production of HCG (the hormone detected by pregnancy tests), which triggers the production of other hormones like estrogen and progesterone, which triggers all those great symptoms you've probably been noticing!

Jason and I are having a tough time keeping this a secret so it will be nice when I can finally post all of this! 24 days and counting until the first ultrasound and dr. appt!

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