Saturday, September 24, 2011

Week 7

Baby's now the size of a blueberry!
Baby's brain -- both hemispheres! -- is growing fast, generating about one hundred new cells every minute. Arms and legs are emerging as joints start to form, and a permanent set of kidneys (baby's third!) is now in place.

So at times this week I've been looking at myself and thinking I sure don't look pregnant yet (or feel it sometimes) and then I remember that oh yeah, our baby is only the size of a blueberry.

I still am not suffering from ridiculous morning sickness, thank goodness, but I am nauseous a lot and I am gagging/dry heaving every morning. I definitely make hourly trips to the bathroom and wake up a couple times a night to go (which unfortunately the cats see as play time and think it's time to wake me up).

I did have my first emotional breakdown this week. I am no longer allowed to change the litter, and Jason thought that 2 times a week was enough. I knew it was overdue for a change but when I asked him he said he'd get to it later... needless to say I looked in the box and it was horrible. (He ended up looking soon after and changed it and was ready to call me with an apology when I called and said..) "I'm mad and sad. The cats deserve better than that, they can't live like that. They have feelings you know." He tried not to bust out laughing and the conversation ended well. I then cried harder because I didn't have any tissues in the car. It was one of those situations where I knew I was over-reacting, but I couldn't stop the tears. I'm sure there will be more moments to come.

We're definitely having more trouble keeping this a secret...or ok, I am. Jason is actually pretty good at lying to people, but I have trouble face-to-face. Thankfully only 10 days until the ultrasound. We still haven't really begun talking about names or nursery styles or anything like that... I think part of it is that it's still too early in the pregnancy with everything we've been through and the other part is that we can't get really excited about it until we're actually sharing the news.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Week 6

Baby's now the size of a sweet pea!

Growing like crazy, baby is starting to sprout eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, and chin. Those little hands and feet -- still webbed like paddles -- might wiggle by week's end, the heart is beating (almost twice as fast as yours!), and blood is starting to circulate.

Week 6 is kinda exciting...only 2 more weeks until we get to see our little one and halfway through the first trimester. I'm still not feeling real pregnant yet, but nausea, hunger, and exhaustion have set in. No sickness yet, thankfully! Jason and I both are finding it more difficult to keep this a secret and he's coming up with idea after idea of how to tell people...hopefully you liked whatever way we told you! Only 17 more days until the ultrasound!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Week 5

So I just wrote the week 4 post and not a lot has changed in how I feel. Still a little crampy from time to time and bloated feeling. No nausea or sickness yet, but I'm finding that I don't like really concentrated smells.

I'm having bloodwork done rather regularly to make sure my HCG levels are continuing to increase. The first results came back good; my progesterone was nice and high too which was a relief. The next test is Monday so hopefully I'm still increasing.

I've decided to take up walking as some form of exercise. The dogs enjoy it at least and this fall weather is great! :)

Our little one is anywhere from a sesame seed in size to an apple seed. Here's the info on this week's development:

Baby's now the size of an appleseed!
Your embryo, which doesn't look like much more than a tadpole right now, is actually starting to form major organs (heart, kidney, liver, stomach) and systems (nervous, circulatory, digestive). Baby's presence in your uterus triggers production of HCG (the hormone detected by pregnancy tests), which triggers the production of other hormones like estrogen and progesterone, which triggers all those great symptoms you've probably been noticing!

Jason and I are having a tough time keeping this a secret so it will be nice when I can finally post all of this! 24 days and counting until the first ultrasound and dr. appt!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Just found out....

We're pregnant!

We took a test on 9/6 and it came back positive. We're both very excited and yet very nervous for the next few weeks. Since it took so long to get to this point we were both extremely skeptical that this was for real, but a blood test at the dr's office confirmed. I will continue going back to the dr's office for beta tests just to make sure our little one is continuing to develop, but so far levels look normal.

I don't feel pregnant...I expected some earth-shattering revelation, but I don't feel any different than normal. A little crampy and tired, nauseated but not sick.

Here is a little tidbit on what Baby Dean looks like on week 4:
Baby's now the size of a poppyseed!
Now safe in your womb, the ball of cells (blastocyst) is splitting into the embryo (your future child) and placenta. Outside this microscopic speck, the amniotic sac and fluid are forming into protective cushioning.

We're waiting until the first ultrasound to tell people so when I finally post this you will see a few weeks pop up.