Friday, May 13, 2011

Mother's Day

So, I meant to type this up on Sunday, when it actually was Mother's day, but I got side-tracked so a week later I'm writing it up (and 2 weeks later posting it)...If you know me at all you know blogging is just not my thing...but I'm trying!

For many women going through infertility Mother's Day can bring up painful, hurtful, sorrowful, envious thoughts. It's a hard day to follows us everywhere from church to restaurants to any outdoor activity to tv.
I did not have any hard feelings going into Sunday. I was a bit worried about how much it would be celebrated and emphasized in church as I've heard stories and been to some churches where it is definitely the emphasis of the day, but thankfully our church made a brief mention and moved on to the sermon for the day.
I really don't have any words of wisdom for those who have trouble with this day. We've yet to be pregnant so I've never had those feelings and thoughts of 'if only... I'd be having my first mother's day." I know that someday I'll be a mother and be able to 'celebrate' this day, and so for now I'm thankful for the wonderful mom that I have, and the wonderful moms I come into contact with everyday.

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