Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Fall is definitely my favorite time of year. You just can't beat the amazing colors that leaves turn and the cooler weather and of course the return of the pumpkin spice latte (as well as pumpkin spice creamer).

In the span of time since the last post Jason and I are both a year older....he's handling his change in the tens place well and I feel like mine came and went without any difference. We're just a few weeks from the rush of the Holiday season and that'll bring a whole other level of stress and excitement! It's crazy how early people and stores and cities think they need to start decorating for Christmas. Most of our towns have lights on the lampposts and have them lit every night...I'm a firm believer in waiting to decorate the weekend of Thanksgiving- I need to fully experience one holiday before beginning another.

As for dr. news I have now been on Clomid for 2 months. The first dose of 50mg did not help to increase my progesterone so they upped me to 100mg this month. We're in that dreaded 2-week waiting period so of course my emotions are all over the place. One day (or even one minute) I think we are pregnant and in the next I am positive that we're not. It's amazing to me how quickly you can forget how horrible the emotional highs and lows of all this are. Every month brings it all back like I've never experienced it before. I had bloodwork drawn today to check my progesterone levels so with every spare second I have I'm praying that they have increased enough! We're both feeling positive about this month, but through these past 10 months I've learned to be cautious as well. All I know for sure is that it is completely out of my hands!

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