Tuesday, May 4, 2010

rain, floods, and baby clothes?...

So, as you've probably read/heard Nashville is full of water. It began raining here Friday night/Sat morning and didn't stop until Sunday night. All said and done areas got 15 inches of rain (translated to snow that's 13 ft!!). Needless to say Nashville is now underwater.

Thankfully we are on a big hill and didn't get wet :) We have friends that did though- they are busy trying to quickly pull up floors, carpet, drywall, etc so the mold doesn't set in. The real kicker about all of this is that the majority of people affected don't have flood insurance because they don't live on a flood plain. They're calling this a 500 year flood.

The river finally crested, but is very slow to recede...one water plant is under water so Nashville is running off of 1 plant that had some minor flooding. We're on a water restriction to 'necessary water use only'...meaning we can drink, bathe, and cook. However, when told you're on a restriction people freak out (or just don't pay attention) so now we have excess use going to fill up bathtubs, fill up every container possible, and to washing clothes and cars. After being lucky enough to not lose power or flood, we may possibly be without water so we'll see how that goes. We have offers for showers though should we need it and I've already stocked up on water to drink/cook with (the IA floods taught me something!)

Onto other topics (and completely random ones at that)...I have now inherited about a gazillion sets of baby clothes...No, not pregnant yet, but I am now the baby clothes distributor. One of my client's moms, who has fostered kids for years, decided to clean house. So if you are in the need of baby clothes, will be in the need for baby clothes, or just like baby clothes let me know!! I have boys clothes ages 0-6mo and girls preemie-6mo as well as a couple over-the-shoulder slings, a shopping cart cover, assortment of sheets, blankets and towels, AND 4 sets of maternity scrub pants!

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