Wednesday, October 21, 2009

family visits, football games, and new jobs

So most days I think that nothing much happens in our lives. We go to our same jobs, come home, relax on weekends, and do it all over again. Then all of a sudden an out-of-whack week comes along and you realize that maybe things do happen after all.

Jason's parents came up last weekend and it was great seeing them. I can't remember the last time we got together and it had been almost a year since they'd seen the house. We went to the Vandy vs. GA football game on a cold (for TN), windy, cloudy day. Bundled up we sat 3rd row from the top and watched GA win...that and listened to a die-hard, long-hair, balding, toothless Vandy fan scream tastefully for his team.

So to get to my out-of-whack week, I started a new job today! No, I didn't change jobs, just added another one on. I spent most of the early week re-arranging my schedule to clear off Wed and Fri so I could go to job 2. Luckily most of my clients are very flexible and I still have wiggle room in my days. My second job is a prn (as needed) position for a nursing home. Let me just say that it was a very anxious experience. I had only interned in this setting before, 2 years ago, so to say I was rusty is an understatement. I made it through though and will get quicker as I go along. I think it is a job I will really enjoy, it'll just take awhile to get worked back in.

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