We lugged our bags up and down steps and found our way to the airport and its chaotic way of running passengers through security. We had some good hot pressed sandwiches, and sat at the terminal reading the USA Today and an older edition of Rolling Stone that I found in the hotel’s gift shop. Eventually our flight got called onto the tarmac, and we were happy to be heading home. We bounced around a nose dived through some storms just north of Nashville, then landed in another steep descent. It felt wonderful to be back home, back in the south, back in my truck, and on roads I didn’t need a map or GPS to navigate my way around. We had a great trip, but it’s so sweet to be back home.
We got an e-mail that Phase 1 of our townhome is complete, and the next step is to pour the foundation. We’re really looking forward to that. Until then, Meg’s waiting in lines at the social security office and the DMV to change her name, and I’m getting together the final bits of paperwork for our mortgage loan application. We leave in 2 days for Georgia and Justin and Lesley’s wedding, and before we know it the summer will be over. It doesn’t feel like there will be any slowing down from here.
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