Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week 34

We made it to week 34!! I'm really not sure how much longer we'll make it, but at least this first, and very important, milestone was made! I figure every extra day from here out is a blessing so we'll take what we can get.

I guess my belly has grown some in the past couple weeks... maybe I shouldn't have worn the slimming color of black, ha! :) (Jason laughs every time he sees how big my stomach is... even thin layers of clothes seem to hide its actual size). I can no longer fit into typical large and xl maternity shirts without the bottom of my belly showing, and even some of Jason's larger tshirts don't do the job anymore.

My dr. appointment last week showed that the babies are doing good and I'm holding pretty steady. I'm still taking procardia which is helping ease some of the abdominal contractions (still not experiencing much back or pelvic pain with them), however my dr. will probably take me off of it within the next couple weeks. Once that happens I will probably start having true contractions. Our next appointment (on Tuesday) will be another growth check so I'll have an update on sizes.

I've definitely hit the uncomfortable stage; I'm hot most of the time and don't sleep much at night (which I realize is just good practice). Unfortunately, all of my nighttime movements mean that Jason doesn't sleep much either, but thankfully this is the start of his spring break week so maybe he can get caught up on sleep before the babies come. I'm also starting to swell, a little in my hands, more so in my feet.

I'm also getting anxious... I know the end is near, but I hate not being able to know exactly when that is going to be. I'd much rather know an exact date than monitor every feeling and movement. We're definitely ready to meet these little guys though! :)

Again, thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. We'd love to make it another 1-2 weeks, but we realize it's in God's hands and he'll bring these 2 safely into the world when the time is right!