Tuesday, June 22, 2010

anniversary and doctors

Our 2nd anniversary was on Monday, but we celebrated this past weekend. Jason planned the whole thing and kept me surprised. He started out by handing me a card and the GPS which he'd programed with 'Anniversary 1-3'. I followed the directions on the card and the GPS took us to our locations. We ended up staying in a hotel at one of the state parks nearby. It was a nice place with views overlooking the lake...it would have been great to explore except for the 95+ degree temps that unfortunately limited the activities. So instead of hiking all day we came home and went to a Sounds game (Nashville's AAA baseball team) with Garrett and Megan. It was a fun, hot evening topped off with fireworks. Sunday was a typical day until I went for my surprise massage. :)

Jason says he loves planning these things and that he would do a better job than I would so I'm off the hook for planning next years! :) He was able to get a photo editing program which he's thrilled to have that he says is making editing much easier.

So Monday was our actual anniversary and we spent the evening at the 'girly doctor' as Jason puts it. We discussed the options for me since my progesterone levels came back low. In looking at my bloodwork, progesterone levels according to the textbook should be 10, fertility doctors like to see 15... mine was a 5. So needless to say, I am not making nearly enough of that hormone to support a pregnancy. My doctor said it's a luteal phase defect, fancy way to classify a progesterone shortage.

Our options were either a form of Clomid or Prometrium, a progesterone supplement. Both options would raise my levels, however there are risks of multiples with Clomid and that's not an option we wanted to have to face immediately. So, in talking with my doctor we decided to first try the Prometrium for a few months, if my levels do not increase we'll then try Clomid, if that doesn't work we'd then be sent to a fertility specialist, but we're not yet looking that far down the road.

The Prometrium is a bit trickier to take and is more expensive (thank goodness insurance covered), but I'll start it in a week or so and we'll see what happens.
*Jason's edit: Prometrium can also cause moodiness... but I'll take that over multiples any day!