Thursday, December 17, 2009

just another update...

Not a lot has changed in the Dean house since the last blog- we've done a few things, but nothing big has changed.

The middle of November I went to New Orleans for a speech conference. Great conference, learned a I need to implement what I learned. Everyone keeps asking me what I thought about the is my general answer. I think that if there had been time to take tours and see other parts of the city my impression would have been different, but as it is we stayed just off of Bourbon St, and the rumors that you don't go out on Bourbon after 10:00 are pretty much true. Before 10, it's fairly clean, still somewhat 'family friendly', but seriously once 10:00 hits the climate changes and horse-mounted police come out to patrol the streets as drunk people and strippers hit the corners to try and lure you into their clubs. Thankfully we had 8:00 presentations to attend every morning so late nights were not in our agenda. It was also interesting that in a city that is known for jazz music, we had extreme difficulty finding any to listen to...our best option was a band who played on the same corner every night.

After that trip we headed up to IA for Thanksgiving to see my family. It was a good, short, trip, but nice to see everyone. Mom and Dad head down this Friday for a Christmas weekend, before we head down to GA for Christmas.

And that's about all of the updates on our lives so far...more to come after the Christmas travels! :)