Wednesday, January 21, 2009

chicken and eggs

so i've always found it strange that that you can order a chicken and egg biscuit at chick-fil-a. it's just always seemed weird to me. you can eat chicken, in 2 versions, in the same biscuit. i guess if you think about any meat products too long they start sounding less appetizing, but i can't get past the idea that a chicken could lay an egg and end up reunited with it on the same biscuit.

but then again, i love cheese burgers.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Our house and cold days

So, I will attempt to post some pictures of our house, though you probably will have received the email by now with all the pictures. I'll have Jason put up a Picasa link when he can. We clearly have not put anything up on the walls yet, but we're getting there. :)

Tennessee is an odd, and yet wonderful place when you work in the school system. We did not have school today due to it being too cold outside. Yes, you read that right, it was too cold for the kids to have to wait at the bus-stops so they closed us for the day. And not just my county, the whole state seemed to be shut down, businesses too. It was a frigid 2 degrees overnight, and isn't supposed to top the mid-20s today. I know that's nothing for you Iowa folk, but down here that's pretty cold. In fact our power went out yesterday morning, most likely due to too much energy being used trying to heat houses :) But, luckily for us that means a 4 day weekend!! We'll take it! :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Renewed Blogging

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So part of my New Year's Resolution is to do a better job of blogging (thanks Carrie) as it's been 6 months since either of us have last posted and our 2 valued readers are anxious for continued updates :)

By now we have the professional wedding shots and you've all seen them so I won't post those, however the house is done! We're still in the process of organizing it so we haven't taken too many pics of it. I'll try and get a couple up soon, at least some shots of the clean, organized areas.

We've also passed the 6 month mark of being married. It really flew by, and things are still going great! The cats and dog still haven't adjusted to each other, but we're all working on it.

We had a great marathon Christmas event this year, traveling over 3000 miles in 1.5 weeks and celebrating 5 Christmases. It was great being able to see all of our families and I'm thankful for the week we got to spend in Iowa, even if it was freezing! :)

We head back to work after a wonderful 2 weeks off. Neither of us are particularly looking forward to it, but at least we're on the back half of the year. I'm going to have to make countdowns to our breaks/mini-vacations. (The first one is in 54 days when we'll take 4 days off and head to Florida).
